Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Play Group and Play Doh

When school started, Jordyn was asked to be in a little play group with some other 5 year old girls in our ward. We were both thrilled!! Jordyn loves to play with her friends, and she goes crazy when she's here alone with me in the afternoons. In our old neighborhood she didn't really have any friends to play with, so this is great! It was our turn today, and the question was, what to do? We have very carefully avoided play doh in our house for the past 16 years or so. I'm not sure the boys have ever even played with it, ever. The main reason was that we had carpet under our dining table in our last house. Ever try to get playdoh out of carpet? Yeah, not so fun. Well, Jordyn pointed out to me that we have a wooden floor now, so we can have playdoh, right? Ok, I took a deep breath and took the plunge. Now I remember why I never buy playdoh. Actually it wasn't bad, despite what the pictures show. The girls had a ball. They played and giggled with playdoh for 2 whole hours!! We cleaned up what we could, then I swept the floor and table and ta-da! We were done! So, how do I top this for next month?

1 comment:

Sherri said...

I wanna play--I can smell the play dough odor clear from here. :)