Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Matthew Wrestles?!?

Like all of our boys, Matthew started wrestling in kindergarten. After first grade, my mild- mannered, tender-hearted little boy decided that wrestling wasn't for him. We didn't fight him on it and let him quit. After all, Matt didn't have the aggressive, killer instinct that his two older brothers did. Every year, we'd ask if he wanted to try it again, and the answer was always "no". Last year, he waffled a little, but then decided he didn't want to try to compete with or measure up to Ammon. I tried telling him that everyone knows he isn't Ammon, and if he wants to do something he should just do it. No one would think badly of him if he wasn't as good as his brother. He still chose not to wrestle. This year, he shocked us all by announcing he was going to wrestle. The first week, he had a particularly hard practice, came home super discouraged, and wanted to quit. I wouldn't let him, and by the next day, he was fine.

Matthew went into the season with three goals: win five matches, be the best at his weight once, and be able to do 50 burpies. I am thrilled to announce that he has achieved all of his goals. Matthew has come so far and improved so much in just this one year, and I couldn't be more proud of him. The best part of Matt is his attitude though. He never gets upset when he loses, and he listens and learns to correct his mistakes the next time. He told me that as long as he does his best, he doesn't care what anyone else thinks. How's that for a winner? Even though it was a tough season, and he was wrestling older kids with much more experience and strength, Matthew had a positive attitude. He had fun making new friends and being part of the state championship team. Keep up the good work Matthew, I love you and am so happy you are my son!!


Jayme said...

Good job Matthew!

zollybunch said...

That's awesome! Sweet post Beth! He seems like such a sweet kid!
