Monday, April 26, 2010

In With the New!!

On April 2, 2010, we closed on our new house in Mapleton. We started moving in the following week. It was spring break, so I had all of the kids home to help, along with some great friends who stepped in to assist.

This is the master bath.

Master Bedroom

Laundry Room, yes, laundry room!!

Front Hall

Kitchen looking into Dining and Family Rooms

Family Room looking into dining room and kitchen

Jordyn's room, bet you couldn't tell, huh?

"Mud Room" entry from the garage

The boys rooms weren't clean, so they don't get pictured, and it was wet and rainy the day I took pictures, so I'll have to do the outside of the house later. So far we are getting settled and love it here. It's starting to feel like home, and we're really happy with our new ward and neighbors. Hopefully it lasts!!


Bristy said...

Looks beautiful, we drove by yesterday and saw the outside, looks very different and appealing. So happy for you!

Beth said...

Michael here. Mother, my room is always clean so I don't know what you are talking about!!