We had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. It was a little quiet, but it was so nice to have our family with us. With Michael on his mission, and Scott's kids at their mother's, we were a little small this year. It was still nice though, and we have so much to be grateful for. We are so blessed, and sometimes the feelings are so overwhelming of how much my Heavenly Father loves me and blesses me.
I am so grateful for my family. I was raised by wonderful, loving parents who taught me the gospel, and taught me to love and serve others. My mom is gone, but I am still grateful for her influence in my life. I am thankful that my dad is still with us, and still able to do most of the things he wants to to. I am glad he lives close by so that we can spend time together. He's always been my favorite lunch buddy! I'm thankful for a wonderful husband, who loves me and our children. He is a great provider for our family, and takes good care of us. I am grateful he puts up with me and loves me just the same. I have been blessed with six (seven, eight?) terrific children, and I love all of them with all my heart. They are all different and they all bring a special blessing to my life. With their unique personalities and qualities, I am constantly amazed by the fact that Heavenly Father trusted me with them. I am thankful for my brother, Scott, and that we can be such good friends. We weren't particularly close as children, unless you count when I beat up the neighborhood bully for picking on my baby brother, but we have become close as adults, and he brings a special joy to my life to have him nearby. I am thankful for extended family. We are blessed to be able to re-connect and remain close because of the technology of the modern world. I have always loved spending time with Aunts, Uncles, cousins and nieces and nephews, and I am grateful that we still can and do. I am grateful that they care enough to stay in contact. They are a blessing to me.
I am grateful for the gospel, for my testimony of it, for my Savior, Jesus Christ, and for his redeeming love for me. I am thankful for the calm assurance I have that He lives, and that through Him, my family can be together forever. I am grateful for the peace of the gospel and the many blessings it brings into my life. I am grateful for my son Michael, who is serving a mission to the people in Ohio. I'm thankful for his strength and testimony and his willingness to bring others to a knowledge of our Savior and His gospel.
I am thankful for this free land we live in. I am thankful for the freedoms we have, and for those who fight and have fought to keep me free.
I am grateful for good friends. Friends who know me, and love me anyway. Friends who we consider family. Friends who will always be there for me, and friends who will let me be there for them. Friends who know what I need, even when I don't and friends who tell me the truth, even when I don't want to hear it.
It seems so inadequate to try to put these feelings into words, but I would feel even worse if I didn't try. I know that all good things come from the Lord, that He has given me all this and much, much more. Sometimes I can't comprehend all that I have, but I am grateful for it all.